====== Nettmusikk ====== Nettmusikk (or Networked Music) is a collaboration project where real-time musical and other artistic collaboration across geographical distances via the Internet is the main focus area. The project continues earlier research work within high quality (real) real-time multimedia streaming from project at NTNU, UiO, UiT, NMH and others. Two project at NTNU, “[[ https://ntnuopen.ntnu.no/ntnu-xmlui/handle/11250/2367496 | Collaboration Spaces]]” and [[ http://www.universitetsavisa.no/forskning/article37349.ece?device=pc | Midgard Media Lab]] initiative was the initial foundation for Nettmusikk. Spinoffs: * A collaborative [[https://www.ntnu.edu/studies/mmct | master program in music, communication and technology]] between NTNU and UiO * Experimental professional remote production at NRK of conserts in Olavshallen Project partners are * [[ http://www.ntnu.edu/iik | Department of Information Security and Communication technology, NTNU]] * [[ http://www.ntnu.edu/music | Department of Music, NTNU ]] * [[ http://www.dokkhuset.no/|Dokkhuset scene]] * [[ http://nmh.no/en/norwegian-academy-of-music | Norwegian Academy of Music]] * [[https://www.nrk.no/trondelag/ | NRK]] * [[ https://uninett.no | Uninett]] * [[ https://www.hf.uio.no/imv/english/ | University of Oslo ]] * [[ https://en.uit.no/startsida | The Arctic University of Norway ]] Detailed project info * [[ nettmus:start | Norwegian nettmusikk-pages ]] * [[ coip:start | Conducting over IP ]]